For years, the Borio – Campia Law Firm has been collaborating with over one hundred professional firms specialized in various disciplines and located throughout the country and the world. Furthermore, thanks to the close and continuous network of collaborations that exist, the Borio – Campia Law Firm is able to act as a point of reference for all the national and international Courts of the European Union, guaranteeing precise, fast and qualified fulfillment of the obligations undertaken, as well as prompt information on the status of every case.

The Borio – Campia Law Firm is at the disposal of Italian and foreign professionals for:

• collaboration on court and out-of-court matters, assistance with cases, contracts and advice for all those operating in Italy.

• surveys of real estate, municipal registers and chamber of commerce registers at the pertinent offices in Turin and the Province of Turin.

• domiciling of cases presented before the legal offices of the Appeals Court, the Court and the Justice of the Peace of Turin and the Province of Turin and at the Courts of Milan, Alba, Aosta, Asti and also before the French legal authorities.

Interested professionals may contact the Firm at the following numbers and address:

10133 TORINO - Corso Moncalieri, 51 (Italy)

Tel. +39.011. 0376195 Tel. +39.011. 0375545
